How to use your Friendship Lamp

The friendship lamp is a fun and simple way to keep connected!  

Our LuvLink App allows you to manage your lamp, connect friends and provides additional features, however, keeping in touch is as simple as touching your lamp.

Send your color to your group

With a single touch you can send a greeting to all the other lamps on your GroupID.

Change your color

We have limitless colors to choose from with our Friendship lamp.  You can change colors with the LuvLink App or by touching the top sensor.  When you hold your finger on the touch button, the color options will start to cycle through. Just hold down until you see the color you want. The lamp will stay on for another 5 seconds and then turn off.

Turn your lamp off

If for any reason you would like to stop the lamp shining, you can simply hold down the button for 2 seconds and release and you will turn off the lamp. Please note that if you or your friend touches a Friendship Lamp the lamp will turn on again, so you don’t have to worry about shutting your friend out.

Change WiFi settings

Although you will most likely not need to do this, you can enter the WiFi configuration mode by touching the button for around  2- 3 minutes. You will notice that the lamp cycles through all the colors a number of times, but eventually it will turn dim red and stay like that. At this point you can connect to the Friendship Lamp’s Wifi and change the WiFi settings of the GroupID. This may be useful if you want to make sure that the lamps are on the same network if they are not working properly.  

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